الجملة المركبة في اللغة الانجليزية

الجملة المركبة في اللغة الانجليزية
It consists of two or more simple sentences joined by a coordinating conjunction
حرف عطفlike
كلا …… و
Not only ….but also
لَيسَ فقط … لكن أيضاً
As well as
بالإضافة إلى
رغم ذلك
على أية حال
على الرغم من هذا
ما زالَ
أمّا … أَو
Or … otherwise
أَو … ما عدا ذلك
Neither …..nor
لا …. . ولا
تستعمل لربط جمل لها نفس الفاعل أو الفعل أو المفعول
- The boy opened the door . the boy walked into the room
- The boy opened the door and walked into the room
- My father was happy . I was happy , too
- My father and I were (both) happy
- I read the letter . I singed it
- I read the letter and singed it
Both – and
تستعمل لربط جملتين فيهما فاعلان لنفس الفعل
- ALI likes mangoes , AHMED likes mangoes
- Both ALI and AHMED like mangoes
أو لاجتماع صفتين على مبتدأ واحد
- She is both rich and beautiful
أو لوجود مفعولين لفاعل واحد و فعل واحد
- He speaks both English and French .
Not only -but also
- He listens carefully in class , he works hard at home
- He not only listens carefully in class but also works hard at home
As well as
- He speaks English , he speaks French
- He speaks English as well as French
- I as well as he , am clever
- He , as well as I , is clever
But / nevertheless
However / yet
لربط جملتين بسيطتين متناقضتين
- Winter is cold , summer is hot
- Winter is cold but summer is hot
- He is blind . he found his way
- He is blind ( but / nevertheless ) he found his way
And – then
- he said a few words . we left
- he said a few words ( and ) then we left .
ملحوظة ممكن حذف كلمة and
كلها تعبر عن نتيجة
- He was very tired . he could not walk
- He was very tired , ( so /thus / therefore )he could not walk
- He was very tired ( consequently ) و لذلك he could not walk
- She was sick . she went to the doctor
- She was sick ( hence ) لذلك she went to the doctor
للاختيار من بين بدائل
- You must study hard . you will not get high marks
- Either you study hard or you will not high marks
- You either study hard or get low marks
- You must study hardotherwise you will not get high marks
اذا اجتمع في الجملة فاعلان على فعل واحد فأن الفعل يتبع الفاعل الثاني ( القريب من )
- Either I or he is to blame
- Either he or I’m to blame
Neither …..nor
تستخدم لنفى فعلين أو فاعلين
- He cannot read . he cannot write
- Ha can neither readnor write
- He did not come early . he did not stop talking either
- Neither did he come early nor did he stop talking