Osebe – v angličtine


jaz in ti
I and you

midva oba (obadva) / midve obe (obedve)
both of us


on in ona
he and she

onadva / onidve
they both

moški; mož
the man

ženska; žena; gospa
the woman

the child

a family

moja družina
my family

Moja družina je tukaj / tu.
My family is here.

Jaz sem tukaj / tu.
I am here.

Ti si tukaj / tu.
You are here.

On je tukaj in ona je tukaj / tu.
He is here and she is here.

Mi smo tukaj. / Me smo tukaj.
We are here.

Vi ste tukaj / tu. / Ve ste tukaj / tu.
You are here.

Oni vsi so tukaj. / One vse so tukaj.
They are all here.


Dobro jutro
Good morning

Dober dan
Good afternoon

Dober večer
Good evening

Lahko noč
Good night

Kako vam je ime?
What is your name?

Moje ime je __
My name is ___

Oprosti, nisem te slišal
Sorry, I did not hear you

Kje živiš?
Where do you live?

Od kod ste?
Where are you from?

Kako ste?
How are you?

Dobro, hvala
Fine, thank you

Pa vi?
And you?

Me veseli
Nice to meet you

Lepo vas je videti
Nice to see you

Lepo se imejte
Have a nice day

Se vidimo pozneje
See you later

Se vidimo jutri
See you tomorrow
