Osobe – Na engleskom

Osobe – Na engleskom

  • ja
  • ja i ti
    I and you
  • nas dvoje
    both of us
  • on
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • njih dvoje
    they both
  • muškarac
    the man
  • žena
    the woman
  • dijete
    the child
  • jedna obitelj
    a family
  • moja obitelj
    my family
  • Moja obitelj je ovdje.
    My family is here.
  • Ja sam ovdje.
    I am here.
  • Ti si ovdje.
    You are here.
  • On je ovdje i ona je ovdje.
    He is here and she is here.
  • Mi smo ovdje.
    We are here.
  • Vi ste ovdje.
    You are here.
  • Oni su svi ovdje.
    They are all here.
  • Pozdrav
  • Dobro jutro
    Good morning
  • Dobar dan
    Good afternoon
  • Dobra večer
    Good evening
  • Laku noć
    Good night
  • Kako se zoveš?
    What is your name?
  • Moje ime je ___
    My name is ___
  • Oprosti, nisam te čuo
    Sorry, I did not hear you
  • Gdje živiš?
    Where do you live?
  • Odakle si?
    Where are you from?
  • Kako si?
    How are you?
  • Dobro, hvala
    Fine, thank you
  • A ti?
    And you?
  • Drago mi je
    Nice to meet you
  • Drago mi te vidjeti
    Nice to see you
  • Ugodan dan
    Have a nice day
  • Vidimo se kasnije
    See you later
  • Vidimo se sutra
    See you tomorrow
  • Doviđenja