Obitelj – Na engleskom

Obitelj – Na engleskom

  • djed
    the grandfather
  • baka
    the grandmother
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • otac
    the father
  • majka
    the mother
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • sin
    the son
  • kćerka
    the daughter
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • brat
    the brother
  • sestra
    the sister
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • ujak, stric
    the uncle
  • tetka
    the aunt
  • on i ona
    he and she
  • Mi smo obitelj.
    We are a family.
  • Obitelj nije mala.
    The family is not small.
  • Obitelj je velika.
    The family is big.
  • Molim
  • Hvala
    Thank you
  • Nema na čemu
    You’re welcome
  • Da
  • Ne
  • Kako se kaže?
    How do you say?
  • Govori sporije
    Speak slowly
  • Ponovi, molim te
    Repeat, please
  • Opet
  • Riječ po riječ
    Word by word
  • Polako
  • Što si rekao?
    What did you say?
  • Ne razumijem
    I don’t understand
  • Razumiješ li?
    Do you understand?
  • Što to znači?
    What does it mean?
  • Ne znam
    I don’t know
  • Govoriš li engleski?
    Do you speak English?
  • Da, malo
    Yes, a little